All About Viper Cookies Weed Strain

All About Viper Cookies Weed Strain

Hybrid weeds are not created equal. Viper Cookies is an Indica dominant weed. This is because it is very distinctive and isn't as common as other Indica-leaning weeds. This is the best herb to look for if you are looking to get high and stoned in a positive way this year. Let's not waste time and just get to the numbers.


This is a powerful plant. To show it in numbers, it will contain 20% THC and 0.5% CBD. If you are a hardcore, Snoop-like stoner you have already said "Holy Cow!" to yourself. But if you are somewhere in the middle of the quality-type high we would say, "Holy cow!" It's worth noting that the average THC level for Viper Cookies strain is 20%. The average THC level of Viper Cookies strain is 20%. Other Indica-dominant varieties have a maximum 21%. This plant also has an Indica- sativa ratio.

Ratio Indica/Sativa

The Viper Cookies Weed Strain contains 75% Indica parents and 25% Sativa parents. It is a hit-and-run high that is Indica-like. This makes it more relaxing, chill, and mellow. If you are looking for something dreamy, this is not the right choice. Instead, you should go for something that hits you hard from the start and keeps you going until the end. You might wonder why this hybrid version exists. The next paragraph will explain everything.

History Of Viper Cookies

Moxie 710 was the first to breed this strain. They crossed Viper City with Girl Scout Cookies. Other sources claim it was Forum Cookies. This is where the fun part begins. Having some original Sativas like Chemdawq, Durban Poison, and Lemon Skunk, as parents and families for GSC, along with powerful OG Kush, and Viper City predecessors, these strains have been merged into one that has all the best qualities of each.


This is the description for the lineage of the strain. Viper Cookies seems like a royal child. After you meet its family, you will understand why. We challenged all royal families around the globe!

Negative effects of Viper Cookies

People who smoke ganja or consume weed edibles have the most adverse effects. They either have low tolerance to chemicals (especially CBD and THC) or overdo it. Overdoing Viper Cookies will make you tired and sleepy. If you want to fight those states, it'll also make you feel the same for at least a week. A side effect of smoking is the loss of memory, which many have also experienced. Before you give it a try it’s good to consult your local cannabis dispensary. Here are some of the possible side effects:

  • Suspected of having a substance addiction
  • Paranoid symptoms are common in those who are susceptible to them.
  • Diagnosed with PTSD
  • Suicidal behavior
  • Hallucinations are common.

Why are Viper Cookies so Attractive?

There are a lot of things that make particular strains very appealing, like looks, smell, an unusual breed or famous parents/grandparents. Let's take a look at what you might find interesting if you decide to buy this one.

Looks of Viper Cookies

Despite the fact that it sounds anti-advertising, this plant's appearance is nothing special. There is no silver sheen from SS Haze or purple sprinkling from Sunset Sherbet - Viper Cookies is the guy/girl next door. Its flowers are a faded green with orange petals. This makes it easy to identify.

Viper Cookies Aroma and smell

We have already told you about the family mix. This is the exact mix you will encounter when you light your joint or bong. Viper Cookies smell of fuel, citrus, candy, mud, and even berries. It has a rich, full-body scent that is followed by a dry aftertaste.

Viper Cookies Flavor

The flavor is strong and spicy, and it can be tasted for a while after smoking. The flavor of edibles is less noticeable, especially if it's baked.

Qualities of Viper Cookies

The plant will transport you to your destination on your cerebral bus in minutes. It will feel like a car accident where everyone survives and realizes that happiness will be the only way to live the rest. You'll probably have many things to tell other people in the car. This will make you very communicative and chatty, even though this might not be the word that your best friend would use to describe you.

Growing Tips

Because it isn't as popular with users, this breed is not often harvested by large companies. It's heavy at night and can strike in a matter of minutes. However, most people use weed to relax and get pain relief. This strain is often overlooked because it can be grown indoors, and most small farms don't invest in creating natural conditions for the plant to thrive. Many people enjoy the exoticism and uniqueness of this strain, so they continue to plant it.Viper Cookies is not the most well-known Indica-dominant hybrid. It's also harder to find dry flowers than seeds. However, it's a staple for growers who are more concerned about the variety of the marijuana. This plant is also used by many pot growers who grow Lemon OG or Girls Scout Cookies. It can be grown outdoors so you only need to harvest one harvest in October.These are some things you should know before you decide to grow this plant commercially. These plants are often available in feminized varieties. They usually yield around 220 dry flowers per plant. If planted indoors, they usually produce one crop per year. It is best to grow the seed in a Mediterranean climate that is semi-humid. You will need to trim the plants as they grow taller. This will allow you to preserve the elements for the flowers and not the leaves. Viper Cookies strain flowering and harvesting cycles are usually between 10-11 weeks. This is 2-3 weeks more than the Indica-leaning plants. This one is not the one you should wait to harvest. To preserve its aroma and flavor, you should dry it as soon as it has finished flowering. If you don't want to grow it yourself, you can buy it at your local cannabis dispensary.


It's time to decide whether or not you should buy or plant Viper Cookies. It's a rare strain, making it difficult to find and hard to forget. It is a perfect combination of taste and flavor. It is very strong and can keep you up for several hours. This strain is not recommended for people who have psychic dysfunctions or experience mood swings. However, it can be used to treat severe pain and headaches. You can use it at night to make you more social and talkative, and give you enough energy to go home at 3 AM without feeling too tired. We can't stress enough that if you smoke excessively or get too high, this herb can be dangerous to your health. This is a powerful message that the brain needs every once in a while, even if there are no contraindications. So, if you want to give it a try, visit your nearest cannabis dispensary to buy this awesome strain.