What is HHC Cannabinoid?

What is HHC Cannabinoid?

HHC was first created by Roger Adams, an American chemist. He added hydrogen molecules to Delta-9-THC. This is known as hydrogenation. It converts THC into hexahydrocannabinol.Hydrogenation doesn't just apply to cannabinoid manufacturing. To convert vegetable oil into margarine, a similar process can be used.Adams created HHC using conventional cannabis-derived THC. However, today the cannabinoid is usually derived from hemp, a low-THC cannabis crop that was legalized by Congress in 2018.

What is the difference between HHC and THC?

HHC contains a hydrogen molecule, which THC doesn't.Scientists and consumers agree that HHC has less psychoactive and potent effects than delta-9 THC.Manufacturers often mistakenly associate the high HHC with high levels of delta-8 THC. My personal experience with HHC was that it is even less psychoactive than THC.

How is HHC produced?

It is a multi-step process. The first step is to extract CBD from hemp. Next, it must be distilled and then powdered. Things get more complicated from there.We talked to Kyle Ray, chief operating office of Colorado Chromatography about the process that his company uses. Colorado Chromatography produces HHC and CBG in its Denver facility. Bearly Legal is also one of their clients.Ray described HHC manufacturing in a proprietary process inside a chemical reactor as Ray explained. Ray explained to Leafly that the reactor is a "black box". "In goes CBD, and out comes HHC."Ray refers to the HHC "a gold dark oil that is refined from that stage before we distill it."

What are the effects HHC has on the mind and body?

HHC's effectiveness is not well understood. This is partly due to the fact that 9R HHC actively binds the body's natural endocrinoid receptors while 9S HHC does not.Richard Sams, KCA Laboratories, stated that the one that fits into the receptors produces similar effects to delta-8 THC but requires a higher dose. THC-like effects are possible if there is a sufficient amount.In other words, HHC can have THC-like effects on the body and mind, but HHC is less potent, milligram-per-milligram, than delta-8 THC. The standard delta-9 THC is considered to be half the potency of Delta-8 THC.

Is HHC detected in a drug test?

Bearly Legal's Burns believes HHC's appeal is partly due to evidence that it can bypass drug tests. He acknowledges that the evidence is speculative, which is crucial. He's just hearing it from his customers.James Stephens, vice president of innovation at Creo, which is a biotech company that specializes in cannabinoids and has heard similar arguments about HHC. Leafly also heard that HHC doesn't turn into 11hydroxy-THC. This is a common drug testing metabolite. He said that it could be used to evade drug screening regimes, if true.The wise men will tell you that there is no evidence that HHC doesn't show up in a marijuana drug test. Don't put your career or job at risk based on anecdotal evidence.

Is HHC safe for consumption?

There is little research and no standard dosage for HHC, as with all new cannabinoids derived from hemp.HHC products made from hemp, including HHC, are not subject to the regulations of legal adult-use states. Therefore, HHC retailers and product makers are not required by law to test their products for purity and potency.Bearly Legal does however include third-party testing results from KCA Laboratories for their HHC products. These tests showed that the vape cartridges contained approximately 99% of HHC. Strangely, the ratio of 9R to 9S HHC molecules was slightly higher than 100 percent. Colorado Chromatography explained that there were slight deviations within their margin of error.Binoid was another major HHC retailer that did not respond to multiple requests.

HHC vs. HHC–O cannabinoids

Consumers are discovering HHC-O, also known as HHC acetate, as HHC continues its popularity.Producers add acetic anhydride to HHC molecules in order to make HHC-O.Stephens explained that this allows them to bind more tightly to cannabinoid receptors and induce a stronger effect.According to manufacturers, HHC-O can be as low as 1.5 and as high as three times the strength of HHC.Want to know more about HHC Cannabinoid? visit your nearest cannabis dispensary.